Mid Atlantic Concrete Equipment discounts WAM products 10% all day every day. You must mention the code WAM-MACE-DISCOUNT when calling our toll free parts hotline at 888-378-6237 or by email at parts@maconcrete.com
Screw Conveyors
- Today WAM® is one of the largest Screw Conveyor manufacturers in the world and in a leading position for many applications. This position has been achieved through a strong focus on quality of manufacture and continuous investments in manufacturing technology and product development.
- Difficult materials with a high moisture content that have a tendency to stick to the centre pipe or flight in traditional screw conveyors, such as sludge or screenings, are successfully handled by Shaftless Screw or Spiral Conveyors with ultra-heavy-duty helicoid flighting.
- As a result of their long-term expertise in screw feeding, WAM® has developed a comprehensive range of high-accuracy Screw Feeders for both micro-feed rates and large volumes. The range includes feeders with agitator tools, feeders with flexible troughs for gently massaging and blending the material, feeders for steep angle applications and many others.
- For more information about WAM Screw Conveyors, click here
- WAMGROUP offers a wide range of Dustproof Valves for handling powder and granular materials in all industries.
- WAM® Valves
- Butterfly Valves
- Square, Rectangular and Circular Cross Section Slide Gate Valves
- Ball Segment Valves
- Inclined Slide Valves
- Pressure Relief Valves
- TOREX® Valves
- Drop-Through Rotary Valves
- Blow-Through Rotary Valves
- Pinch Valves
- Diverter Valves
- Double Dump Valves
- Click here for more information about products from WAM.