Eagle Pneumatic

Established in 1979, Eagle Pneumatic, Inc. is a full range manufacturing plant that specializes in the application, engineering, custom design and manufacturing of pneumatic tube systems.
- No other pneumatic tube system can deliver papers, parts, or samples from
one location to another with the ease, speed, low cost, and safety of an
AIR-LIFT system. - Transfers items between two similar Send/Receive Stations through a single interconnecting tube.
- For installations where limited space or building obstructions won’t permit
standard 48-in. radius bends, 24-in. radius expanded bends are available
that allow the free travel of Carriers without binding. Expanded bends can be
used for upward, downward, or horizontal runs. - Two configurations of Send/Receive Stations are available for use in the
Eagle pressure/pressure AIR-LIFT systems, depending on the user’s station
mounting requirements. The Type I Stations suits narrow and taller mounting
spaces, whereas the Type II Station fits wider and shorter mounting locations.
Both Stations are fabricated from 16-gauge cold rolled steel with an enamel
finish. Station doors are manufactured from heavy steel. - Click here for more information about products from Eagle Pneumatic.
- Eagle airlift systems completely eliminate the need for messengers in
most operations. - Eagle Pneumatic Dispatch systems are compact and high-capacity,
providing two-way carrier travel in a single tube. - Easy installation.
- No other pneumatic tube system can deliver paperwork, parts or samples
from one location to another with the ease, speed, low cost and safety of
an Eagle Dispatch System. - Low-cost, automatic, instantaneous dispatch system designed to convey
materials between tow similar Send/Receive Stations through a single
connection tube. - Eagle AIR-LIFT Pneumatic Systems are compact and high-capacity,
providing two-way carrier travel in a single tube. Conveying tubing and
bends are made from either strong, lightweight, non-corroding,
dent-resistant PVC or optional steel, with diameters of 3 in., 4 in., or 6 in. - Eagle AIR-LIFT Carriers are made from durable, high-density polyethylene
for excellent wear in system-compatible diameters of 3 in., 4 in., and 6 in.,
and standard lengths of 10 in., 12 in., and 14 in. - Thousands of pneumatic tube system users are proving the cost efficiency
of Eagle AIR-LIFT Pneumatic.